Heart Glitter
Six years ago today, Anthony had tubes coming out of every part of body his tiny body, his legs were blue and his feet were ice cold. Anthony's Aorta was 90% closed off and his organs were shutting down. This was the day, April 29th we had Fr. Mike come and baptize Anthony at Scared Heart Childrens hospital. This was the day we said the hardest good-bye we've ever had to say. I will never forget the emotional pain as Don & I stood and watched strangers wheel our sons tiny bed into the operating room not knowing if we would see him again. We sat for over 5 grueling hours as our little baby endured open heart by-pass. Not an experience I would wish on anybody.
Thanks to that experience Anthony is with us today. Thanks to those strangers who wheeled my sons bed into the O.R. to perform a 5 hour by-pass Anthony has experienced life. Thanks to the strangers who donated the blood my son received Anthony was given a chance of life. Thanks to all the Drs., nurses and all the other providers Anthony is a 6 year old boy living life to the fullest. Thanks to all the prayers and support from so many including people we never meet our family has stronger faith. Thanks to God our family has been blessed with so many gifts of life.
Happy Heart day Anthony! Your family all love you and give thanks everyday for you and all you have blessed us with. It will be 7 days from today that the Doctors would tell us you have Down syndrome and as your sisters said when we told them you had Ds...... "So What!" you lived through heart surgery and nothing else matters. Enjoy your day sweet boy. We all love you very much and give thanks to God for all the gifts we were blessed with, especially you.
Aw - Happy Heart Day, Anthony! You are obviously well loved!!