Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy summer days!

Wow summer is flying by so fast! We have been spending many days just playing at the new water splash parks that have been put into all the Spokane parks and we love them! Anthony & Rachel can only be in the pools when we get in with them and they don't have the freedom to play in the pool as they do at the splash pads. I'll post some pics later.

Anthony got his 1st pair of AFOs, Ankle-foot orthoses, plastic braces that cover the ankle and foot to offer support. Anthony was walking very heavy on the inside of his feet. With as much as he was walking on the inside of his feet his knees and hips were being stressed. We noticed that he was walking very wide in his hips and he didn't walk much at a time. The other day he got the AFOs I saw them on him I was sad and felt bad for him, but a week later I am thankful he has them! For the first time Anthony walked through all of Fred Meyers and last night we went for a walk around our neighborhood then into the park played and walked more and he did awesome! Anthony needed those AFOs more than we thought and I love them on him. I will post pics of those too. He choose a Spiderman print.

One last hot topic is POTTY TRAINING........UGH!!! Does anyone have any suggestions? Help if you can. My goal is to have him going in the toilet by the time we return to school.

Hope you all are having a great summer!

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