Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate?

All is well in the Black house! All our children are happy and healthy, in today's world you can't ask for more. We have had the common cold and sore throats, but other than that we have been doing well.

Anthony has had some colds with the typical congestion for Anthony. Even though the congestion is typical for Anthony I have been on the edge with all the H1N1 news that is out there. One of the first symptoms of H1N1 are cold symptoms with fever and body aches, so the common cold in any of my children put me on guard to watch for H1N1, but more on the worried side then guarded.

As the cases of H1N1 peaked in our county and the news was we had the highest rate of H1N1 in the state I became concerned enough to learn more about the vaccine. While I researched what I could about the vaccine the cases of H1N1 started to take lives in our area. I also started to hear more about the number of children in the hospital infected with H1N1 and all the complications these children were having, so I decided that I would like all the members of our family to have the shot, but I wasn't convinced the nasal was a good choice for any of our children. The problem was the nasal was all that was available with no sign of the shot being available. I decided to let it go as it was nothing I could control, but pray and hope if it was meant to be we would get it.

A couple of days later after we had delivered everyone to their schools, Don & I were at home dealing with the tasks left over from our busy morning when our phone rang. It was a familiar voice asking if our family would like to have the H1N1 shot. I was shocked and questioned if they really had the shot, not the mist and they had enough for each of us? She said they did have enough for our whole family and it was the shot, but we had to be there in an hour and a half. So, Don & I went in separate vehicles to round up our children at three different schools. We made it and got our shots! Today is the 16th day from us getting the vaccine, so we are now immune! I am more relaxed, but still taking aggressive steps to help spreading any germs. The rules in our house are to wash as soon as you get in the house even though a squirt of Purell was used in the car. I have taught our children to use their elbows and hips to open doors, sneeze into the inside of their shirts, drink lots of water. Did I say wash? We wash and wash and wash, that includes any place under five foot that little hands touch.

I sleep better at night knowing we have done and continue to do all we can to keep our children healthy, but especially protecting from H1N1. While any of our children are at risk for complications from H1N1, the greatest risks are to children like Anthony who have underlying health conditions.

When I am asked by other parents what they should do? I reply with "Do your research on legitimate sites, talk to your child's Doctor and do what you feel is right for your family. Too also take every precaution to prevent the spread of germs by staying home when your ill (no don't go buy your own meds) wash you hands and wash them again."

Stay well everyone.

1 comment:

  1. That's great to hear that you were able to find the shots. Now you can relax a little. I have heard that we reached the peak of the swine flu in October, so that's good news. Stay well!
