Every Halloween we attend a party with friends and the children all Trick or Treat together, but this year we had to miss out on the great fun with friends. Very rarely do I get sick, but this year I have been hit with a head cold that is trying to move into my chest and was in no shape to be around anyone, so we stayed home.
Katrina & Ali took the little ones Trick or Treating before the sun set. They had a great time and loved reconnecting with our neighbors. One of our neighbors asked the kids what their names were (people get our kids mixed up, must be there are too many) so our children told them their names. Anthony answered, told her what his name was, but asked her what her name was, which she answered with great delight. Anthony told her that he was glad to meet her and wished her a great evening. This neighbor is a recent widow and well into her 70's and I am sure Anthony made her day. Of course I am very proud of his compassion for others and his intuition to reach out to those who need it the most, which is something you can't teach.
When we got the diagnoses of Down syndrome, I broke, our Doctors words are still very loud in my head after I questioned if the Doctor got the right test. He said "This baby is your baby, his blood test tells us he has Down syndrome. This little boy will bring so much love and joy to your family. Your family will be richer" Those words touched me then, but nothing like they do now.
We thank God for the gift of Anthony to our family, the gift he is to many friends and family who have been touched by him, to the many strangers he has touched and to the many who have yet to meet him. We love you Anthony.
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