Happy New Year from the Black Family!!!
2009 was a very interesting year for our family! On New Years day my father died very quickly to cancer after an 11 month battle. No matter how much you try to prepare you are never ready to say good-bye to a parent. Thankfully I was able to make a 2 week trip to Hawaii to spend precious time with my father. Don and I were able to go to Hawaii toward the end of January for my dads funeral and was honored to be able to write and give the eulogy to honor my dad.
The rest of the winter was spent trying to keep up with all our children's activities, with school as well as activities outside of school. That is when they were in school. The winter of 2009 was a record setting year for snow fall! There was so much snow that schools were closed, services were closed, including the hospital for all non emergencies. Anthony was scheduled for a minor surgery, but it was cancelled, the hospital closed as too many of their staff couldn't get to work. There was so much snow that roofs were caving in and a couple of buildings collapsed. It was a wild winter here in Spokane. Sadly our children in public school had to attend school for an additional week an a half in the sumnmer.
Summer came very quickly! All our children were eager to end the school year, especially after Kiersten came home from college after completing her first year.
Once school was out we spent many hours hanging out at the new water splash pads that were installed in most of the parks in our town. Our children love these water pads especially Anthony. These water pads are a nice place for him to play without having an adult attached to him to make sure he is kept safe. The highlight was Anthony learned the very large water guns shot far enough to get mom or whoever is sitting on a bench that is close by. It was fun to hear his giggles! There were also trips taken as a family and trips taken with friends, with the best being to Lake Chelan. We had a blast on Helen's old stomping grounds! This is the lake that Anthony had his 1st boat ride and went tubing!
By the time summer ended we were all ready for school to start. Kiersten soon returned to her college to start her second year. Alexandria returned to her school as a senior, Katrina as sophomore at the same high school. Ashley finally made the Alpha class....aka...8th grade and a very cute cheerleader for our Catholic school. Virginia moved into the middle school building in our Catholic school, Corrin in
4th, Vanessa as a 2nd grader. Anthony hit the heart breaking all day.......1st grade. Rachel learned quickly to enjoy having the house and mom all to herself.
Don continues to play basketball when he isn't at work or driving children around. He was also able to make time to get on the golf course a few times, not enough times, but he did get in some. We hope that he will be able to do more this next spring. I have committed to swim/bike and run in a triathlon, it's only a sprint, but a tri none the less. As a 45 year old mom of nine I am very proud of the progress I am making. There are a couple of half marathons I would like to run in 2010!
2009 has truly been a year of many twists and turns as well as highs and lows. A year that was rich with all that life has to offer. We pray that 2010 will be a very blessed year for all!
Influenze hit our house! Anthony and Corrin passed out together.
Rachel is growing leaps and bounds!
Virginia completed a year and a half of gymnastics!
Anthony played his 1st year of baseball!
Corrin's team took 3rd place again at Hoopfest the worlds largest 3 on 3 tournament!
Ashley chilling at a family picnic on a hot July afternoon!
Katrina turned 16 with a great party that broke out into a water balloon fight!
Anthony tubing on Lake Chelan!
Those are great pics..I love the one with Anthony tubing. He looks like he's having a blast! Here's to health and happiness in 2010.