Sunday, March 7, 2010


I will never forget all the thoughts that raced through my head and tore up my heart the moment we were told that Anthony had Down syndrome! Anthony was 14 days old, had lived through life saving heart surgery and was expected to live a healthy life, that is till they told us Anthony had Down syndrome. One of the many thoughts that ripped at my heart in that moment was that he would never marry and not by his choice, it just wouldn't happen because he had Down syndrome. Funny thing, during my pregnancy knowing my baby was a boy, I thought there would be a chance that my son may never marry, but instead would become a priest and that was a wonderful, heart touching thought and I would be honored to have my son become a priest, but the thought of him never marrying because of his disability weighed very heavy on my heart.

Well that was then, that was during some very tough, dark, lonely times, all because of a diagnoses and of the unknown, thankfully short lived, but lived none the less. Today I know better, my son is a person who happens to have a disability can do anything with his life, he can be who he wants to be all because he can make those choices for himself and live to be who God sent him here to be. Anthony has taught me to trust him to grow and be the person that God has sent him here to be, including maybe someday marrying. Yes, that's what I said, someday my son may marry, someday my son will have a job, someday my son will be a strong man who will be whoever he wants to be, someday my son will be a strong man who will carry his mother, someday I will dance with my son at his sisters weddings, someday I may dance with my son at his own wedding, someday my son will live out whatever God has planned for his life. Today I thank God for sending me Anthony.

Enjoy this beautiful 3 minute clip, a nice reminder that we never know what the future holds for any of our children, including our children who may have a disability. I caution you to watch this video with a tissue close by.

Take Care,
Helen Black

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